Page 23 - Roswell Chamber Connection - May 2019
P. 23

Todd Hobbit Verciglio
                       MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR

        To succeed on social media, it’s                       media advertising.  With ads targeting, you can
        essential to stay ahead of the curve                   reach very specific groups of audience based on
        and understand the latest social                       their demographics, interests, past behavior, and
        media trends.                                          more. There hasn’t been such a great opportunity

        I know it take time to find important social media     to reach and engage your target audience before
        trends but that is why I am here to help you           social media became popular. With this reason

        succeed on social media in 2018.                       alone, I believe you can no longer ignore social
                                                               media as part of running your business.
        Here’s a quick overview of the ten major social
                                                               Here are the current user base of the six major
        media trends happening right now:
                                                               social media platforms:
        1.    There are now almost 2.5 billion social

              media users                                      •  Facebook: 2.07 billion monthly active users
                                                               •  Instagram: 800 million monthly active users
        2.    Social media is going mobile
        3.    Social messaging overtook social media           •  Twitter: 330 million monthly active users

        4.    Social messaging will greatly benefit businesses  •  LinkedIn: 500 million members
                                                               •  Pinterest: 200 million monthly active users
        5.    Chatbots are becoming the norm
        6.    Businesses can no longer afford to ignore        •  Snapchat: 178 million daily active users
              social customer service

        7.    Organic reach and referral traffic are           Social Media is Going Mobile
                                                               We are becoming glued to our smartphones.
        8.    Video is still the most popular content type
                                                               Facebook studied the behavior of 100 people
        9.    User-generated content can help drive            while they were watching TV at home. 94 of
              reach and engagement                             them had their smartphone in their hands

        10.  Businesses are pouring more money into            while watching TV And one of the top reasons
              social ads                                       they look away from the TV is to use their
                                                               smartphone.  More and more people are also
        With social media, you can reach a massive             using social media on their smartphone. In fact,

        amount of potential customers for free —               the majority of social media users are using the
        through organic posts — or for a fee — social          apps via their smartphone: Facebook: 94% of

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