Page 8 - Roswell Chamber Connection - August 2019
P. 8

President's Letter

                                        Dear Roswell Chamber Members,

                                        It is my pleasure to introduce myself as this year’s Roswell Chamber of Commerce
                                        Board President. I am a second-generation Roswellite (I’m pre-Roswellian)
                                        who graduated from Goddard High School. I earned degrees in Chemistry and
                                        Environmental Science from New Mexico State University and completed some
                                        graduate work in Biochemistry before returning home to work for a local engineering
                                        firm in 2000. I met the love of my life, Ryan Perry, when we were both working at a
                                        dairy in 2007. After almost eleven years of marriage, we have five daughters, two dogs,
                                        two cats, a horse, some cows and all kinds of fowl. After our fifth daughter was born,
        Shawna Perry | PRESIDENT        I left my life as an environmental scientist and became a stay-at-home mom/assistant
                                        farmer. Last year our family joined Classical Conversations and I became a grammar,
        writing and math tutor.
        My family and I are members at Christ’s Church, where Ryan and I and the girls teach in the three-year-old class each
        month. I am a past board member of Roswell Rotary. I am Secretary of the Governing Council at Sidney Gutierrez Middle
        School and the Vice-President of PEO Chapter B. I love art and science and summer.

        I have always believed in the greatness of our community and the truly exceptional, generous and hard-working people
        who live here. I am also a person who believes in pursuing excellence. These are two of the many reasons I joined the
        Roswell Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors in 2014. We are better together, stronger together and more effective
        together, and that is what the Chamber offers our community: an opportunity to join together and develop every drop of
        the exceptional potential Roswell and Chaves County have to offer.

        We, at the Chamber, are excited for the many fantastic ways that potential is manifesting in our community. Just today, my
        family had a great afternoon at the City’s new Recreation and Aquatic Center. Two weeks ago, we were given a preview
        of Area 52 Laser Tag, and it was so much fun! We have live music almost every night somewhere in town! Our Farmer’s
        Market is underway. We have First Friday’s Downtown.
        If you haven’t made it to these events, you are seriously
        missing out!
        I have big plans for this year at the Chamber. My focus as
        President will include: the support of area businesses to
        attract and retain excellent talent, developing a one-stop
        clearinghouse of information for children’s activities in our
        community and working with our community partners to
        develop concrete and simple ways to promote our great city
        when we are outside of this community for business and
        pleasure. I am a big believer in synergy, and we can make so
        many amazing things happen when we join our efforts.
        I love hearing about excellent things our community is doing,
        and I am eager to learn about those things we can do better,
        and how the Roswell Chamber of Commerce might help.
        Please come by and see us or reach out with your ideas on
        how to grow our hometown. We want each of our members
        to know that you have our full attention! How may we help?

        Here’s to a great year together!
        Shawna Perry

        Shawna Perry
        Board President, Roswell Chamber of Commerce

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